– bizarrely named low key crime thriller musters a True Detective style atmospheric build up and sustained tension before rushing into an unnaturally curtailed ending. A massive shame that after two hours of up ramp, they couldn’t take a few more minutes to tie up loose ends and fill in some blanks. At the risk of *vague spoilers*: the detective’s partner disappears into irrelevance part way through; his murky history is hinted at but doesn’t play a role (beyond arguably guiding his moral hand); his prime suspect vanishes without explanation; his uncle in law’s MS – diagnosed and revealed early on – plays no discernible role in the story or character building. Was the mother involved? Did the suspect’s father really commit suicide? Given what we learn, why was this detective assigned to the case in the first place? I ask these questions because I’ve been made to care, and that’s a promising start and a testament to the film’s successes, but I do wonder if maybe the scrappy ending was to avoid answering the unanswerable. With a bit more time and thought, this could have been a crime classic instead of an also ran.